Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First love rediscovered

First love. Many people regard teen love as the first love. To me, first love was discovered when I was 22years old. The kind of love that knows no boundaries. You see, when I was with her, the world became oblivious to me. We only see each other, only sensed each other, only cared about each other. But then I lost her. My world ripped to pieces. The sky turned dark on me.
I tried to rediscover love with other people. Constantly, I tried to rebuild the love that I lost with someone else, only to discover that I don't love that someone at all. . None at all.
Till at last, I gave up searching. All the while, still hoping for the return of my one true love. Years had passed now, my hope was flickering to it's end. Until recently, she found me. We rediscovered our love. And it was, as it was....my true love.

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